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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Picks for Obama Cabinet

Well, it looks like things are supposed to be different in the new White house and government...
Same old faces in some areas, new faces but old stories in others so I will have to wait to see if things improve for the Winnemem or any other historic/traditional tribe in this country.

The new Secretary of the Interior I hope heard the President-elect say that they are looking to live up to the treaties made with the tribes of this country - I hope they keep their eyes open to the case of California where our treaties were signed but not much for deals made "in peace and friendship!"

Anyone reading this who has looked at the Winnemem situation, I ask you to help us contact the new players and present a letter or petition of support for the restoration of our tribal status as well as the treaty rights we were denied and the benefits of governmental acts which took our land for the flooding of Lake Shasta and for which we still wait.

The new Obama government has the opportunity to rectify a century of dishonor to my tribal people and provide for completion and obeying of the country's laws that everyone else must obey but those in power often fail to. Live up to the requirements of the Central Valley Indian Land Acquisition act (55stat612)...give us our land, the funds to rebuild and protection of our cemetery!

Just a few cents worth on this cold day in Tuiimyalli.